Lost Spells (part 14) Destroying the Gift

It is questionable if it is possible and within the Ars Magica setting the loss of the Gift is a story based event (read forums discussions here, here, and here). As there is no spell guideline to match to this effect or any real reference in the material for how this is done in-play – these spells are pure conjecture. So what would a spell designed to mangle or destroy a person’s gift look like?

Some factors to consider are:

  • For a Magus removing the Gift is equivalent to death, so has to have a high base, say similar to Perdo Corpus 30 to kill a person. There is no related Vim guideline to draw from.
  • It is very powerful but perhaps does not need to be a Ritual. Although I could see an argument that killing somebody with magic is removing their life, which might be less complex than removing their magical essence. I decided to make the spell a ritual so it would have a long casting time and to reflect the meta-power it should have in the setting. So while it is not exceedingly high level it will cost vis to cast.
  • If the spell is allowed in-game it can be set wherever the troupe like. A level 35 or 65 version isn’t going to stop a major NPC threatening to use it, or make it beyond casting for a player.

Suggested spells:

Shattering the Gift of the Magus

Perdo Vim 35, R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Individual, Ritual

Destroys the Gift of magic within the target irrevocably. The target is unable to use any aspect of magic but retains their theoretical knowledge.

(Base 30, +1 Touch)

Handicapping the Gift of the Magus

Perdo Vim 35, R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Individual, Ritual

Damages beyond repair the gift of magic within the target irrevocably. The target is still able to perform some rudimentary service to a gifted Magus (such as assisting in a lab) but is otherwise unable to directly use any aspect of magic. They retain their theoretical knowledge.

(Base 30, +1 Touch)

These spells were based upon an older French resource, so these spells are not at all RAW. Over 650+ of my new spells for Ars Magica can be found here.

1 thought on “Lost Spells (part 14) Destroying the Gift

  1. Pingback: November 2017 Ars Magica writing challenge – One Spell a Day. | The Iron-Bound Tome

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